Panna Cotta with Blueberries and Strawberries


Leonardo Pellacani

Firstly, I take the épannacotta and lightly shake it. Ideal for preparing this classic dessert according to the traditional recipe. and I empty it in a jug. With an immersion blender we amalgamate the product. Now we flavour part of the Panna Cotta with a Strawberry Glaze. We mix the glaze with the Panna Cotta. Now we pour it into a jar. We take the previously blended Blueberry Topping and add it to the Panna Cotta, and blend with the immersion blender. Now we empty it in the jar. We finish the last jar with the plain Panna Cotta. Refrigerate for At least 8 hours at 0°/+ 4° C or in a blast chiller at -5°C for 20 minutes. Let's plate up. Our dessert is ready.

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