Pork fillet wrapped in pancetta with bell pepper sauce


Diego Ponzoni

Serve 6

Cut open the  pork tenderloin and beat it between two sheets of parchment paper until the meat is thinner. Spread the slices of pancetta on a cutting board and place the beaten pork on top. Season the meat with salt and pepper, then spread the surface with 50 g of the Red Pepper Cream; then arrange the curled peppers, grated Grana and basil leaves in the center of the fillet. Roll up the bacon-lined steak and tie it with string. In a pan, sear the pork roll in hot extra virgin olive oil until golden. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Cut the fillet into 1 cm high slices and transfer them to the pan together with a little hot oil; add the white wine and finish cooking. At this point, heat the red pepper cream left with the cheese cream over the fire in a saucepan. Spread the sauce on the plates in a mirror and place the overlapping slices of meat in the center. Complete with a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil and a few basil leaves.

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