130 g. Butter
q.s. Nutmeg
q.s. Breadcrumbs
q.s. Salt
60 g. Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, Grated
400 g. Ricotta Cheese
500 g. Egg pasta dough
Serves 6
Prepare the ravioli filling: in a bowl add the ricotta, the Truffle cream, the parmigiano cheese and the nutmeg, season with salt and pepper and mix well. Add some breadcrumbs if the mixture is too wet. Roll out the egg pasta dough, place the mixture on it and close to form ravioli. Cook the ravioli in boiling salted water. Heat the butter in a frying pan with a ladle of cooking water, creating an emulsion. Once the ravioli are cooked toss them in the pan whit the butter sauce. Serve immediately.
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