100 g Riso Carnaroli – Carnaroli Rice - RK1
200 g Buon brodo (vegetale) - “Buon Brodo” Vegetable Stock - BC1
200 g Rape rosse a fette - Sliced Red Beetroot - VH3
20 g Grancrema di Pecorino - Grancrema cheese sauce with Pecorino - KG1
20 g Petto d’oca stagionato e affumicato - Cured smoked goose breast - 2U9
30 g Chutney Mango e Pepe rosa (Mango and Pink Pepper Chutney) - AY7
30 g Olio extravergine di oliva - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - EKC
half Shallot
50 g White wine
10 g Butter
10 g Pecorino cheese, grated
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