Vegetarian pie with potatoes, artichokes and pesto alla genovese


Gianluca Galliera

Other Ingredients

400 g shortcrust pastry

100 g tofu

10 g salt


fresh basil

30 g breadcrumbs with extra virgin olive oil and without lard

1 egg yolk for brushing

Parboil the potatoes in boiling water for one minute, drain them, mash them with a potato masher and pour them into a bowl. Season with salt and pepper and add the sauce of artichoke hearts, the pesto alla Genovese, the tofu chopped with a knife, the basil in julienne strips and thicken with the breadcrumbs. Knead to an even mixture.
Line a baking tin with the shortcrust pastry and add the potato mixture, distributing it evenly. Close the edges of the pie on the inside, brush with water and close the  surface by inserting discs shortcrust pastry, formed using a round pastry cutter, slightly overlapping in a circular pattern. Brush with the egg yolk to bond the discs and bake in the oven at 170‑180°C for 40 minutes.

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